Today at 3pm EST/2pm Central we will be chatting on marriage, sharing videos and pictures and giving each other advice on marriage survival.
All you have to do to join the fun is go to and register. Then go to the top of the page to the "Quick Links" button. Click on upload. Browse your photos on your computer and then upload them to your profile.
During the party click on the (+) button to add your photos, videos, etc to the party. Or do you have a favorite song that is out on Youtube? Upload that to the party. I found the song I sang to my hubby at our wedding, so I added that to the party.
I interviewed my hubby on how he has survived being married to me for 9 1/2 years. I will be adding that video to the party.
It is easy to join in the fun. I would love to chat live with you today at 3pm EST/2pm Central. Hope to chat with you there!
Lets have a moment of silence, you and me, for the loss of pink, shall we?
I missed your party, but what a great idea!!! Congrats on your 9.5 years - My husband and I just passed 7!
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